Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Sale Order Report - ability to run by Date Dispatched

Running the Sale Order report should include an option to run or the data for orders that are in the status of "dispatched" on any given day.

If I run the report for a customer on the current day, I can select different statuses, but the data only returns orders that were "packed" in the specified date range.

e.g running report for current date, there are 11 orders in total that have been dispatched, but since 2 were packed in the previous day, these do not return in the report.

There currently isn't a way to pull a customer only report for orders dispatched in a date range. You have to use the bulk report and filter this to send off to the customer.

  • Guest
  • Jul 6 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    CartonCloud Product commented
    March 13, 2024 22:25

    This idea has been shipped, along with other enhancements to the Sale Order Report. For more information, please visit the Release Log article here