As a User if I create a consignment that charges correctly but then make a change that will cause a charge error, when that consignment gets added to an Invoice it will keep the previous charge but then apply a charge error.
Instead of it keeping the existing charge I believe it should create the charge error and remove the previous automation charge.
Scenario to create the above and its the *** that the above should apply to.
Sale Order created with Products that have Volume and/or Weight values set against them
Consignment generated from Sale Order in SO import - SO Product QTY/Weight/Volume values calculate consignment items and charge based off Transport rate
SO is Picked/Packed on the mobile app
Mobile app user updates Service Type (this is key)
Mobile app user updates Consignment item weight and cubic values
Consignment items are updated successfully
Consignment attempts to re-calculate the charge automatically but receives an error because it does not find a rate based on the new Service Type***
Web app user manually clears charge error
Charges are finalised
Charges are calculated based off the original Sale Order Products