Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Making "Prevent Changes" applicable on a field-by-field basis.

There's currently an issue whereby if SO's come in with any SOP conditions (ie: Batch Number, Expiry Date), if you then proceed to edit the line item, it defaults to checking "Prevent Changes", which then forces any other custom fields to be saves as a condition.

This causes problems for customers, because the order can come in via API with some conditions around the batch, and then someone manually adds/edits the SOPs - which would end up applying "Prevent Changes" which would lock the SOP to the specific serial number, and prevent them from being able to reallocate.

A potential solution to this is to create "Prevent Changes" checkboxes for each custom field.. so you can prevent the expiry or batch being changed, without locking the serial number - The plus side of this is that it gives users full control, but would add a lot more checkboxes.

  • Guest
  • Feb 27 2024
  • Future consideration
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