Stock Movement Report to show Bulk to Bulk and Bulk to Pick Bay or General Shelf
We use the Stock Movement report to identify movements from Bulk Locations to Pick Bays, which we use as a Carton Movement.
From an older ticket with you, this is what was recommended to use by Brittany Cashman/Scott Murray to use the movements and record them and add to the invoices as adhoc charges which we have been doing for over a year now.
The issue is, we have some movements, for optimisation or bringing stock closer to Default Stock Locations, that are from Bulk to Bulk locations and just moved from Aisle to Aisle or Bay to Bay on the top shelves which we require to consider a Pallet movement and not a Carton movement.
Is there a way to show a Location Type column on the stock movement report or a flag to show if moved to a Pick Bay/General Shelf(locations ending with A,B,C,D and sometimes E) or Bulk Move if moved to a Bulk Location like F/G suffix locations being the top most shelves.
The locations are marked as being Bulk Locations in the Location setup, so even that would help rather than looking at a location suffix.