Function to allow for a price increase to all customers
Whenever we have a price increase that applies to all customers, there is no easy way to do this process. It would be great to have functionality to be able to apply a % price increase to all customer Rate Cards.
Great Idea Andrew, Right behind that Idea 100% So much data across so many Rate Cards any automation gratefully received. Duplicating Rate cards and then customizing back again to suit individual clients Pick & Pack requirement very time consuming.
Hi Andrew. We still do not have this for the WMS. We are evaluating a project to migrate the WMS rating to use the same engine as the TMS which would unlock a bunch of capabilities including uprating.
I completely agree with this. Certainly need a function to automatically calculate a GRI and implement without having to do on a one by one basis. Needs to be across both Transport and Warehousing.
Great Idea Andrew, Right behind that Idea 100% So much data across so many Rate Cards any automation gratefully received. Duplicating Rate cards and then customizing back again to suit individual clients Pick & Pack requirement very time consuming.
Hi Andrew. We still do not have this for the WMS. We are evaluating a project to migrate the WMS rating to use the same engine as the TMS which would unlock a bunch of capabilities including uprating.
about to clock my 5th year of manual pain and suffering. Any upgrades on status?
This has been available on the TMS for a couple of years through "Uprates":, but is not yet available on the WMS.
I completely agree with this. Certainly need a function to automatically calculate a GRI and implement without having to do on a one by one basis. Needs to be across both Transport and Warehousing.
Also for the WMS per client as well as ADHOC charges per client please.