We currently have the ability to group Sale Orders by Run Sheet, which is great for customers who pick orders post-allocation.
However, for clients who want to pick by run prior to allocation, there is no way on the mobile app to filter / sort the orders by Delivery Run. The use case here is needing certain areas to be picked and ready earlier than others. For example, needing to pick onforwarder runs first due to end-of-day pickup, and own-runs last due to leaving the following morning.
While this can be achieved partly through creating wave picks, the inability to directly create multi-customer wave picks without a Run Sheet means a Wave is needed for each customer. Ie: Stone & Wood - North, Balter - North, Ballistic - North - a lot of overhead to pick "North" orders.
Currently we can filter orders by customer, and by Run Sheet from mobile app. Requesting to expand this to filter by Delivery Run.
Filter by Delivery Run on Sales Orders - Mobile App