Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Faster way to get to specific customers orders on the mobile app.

When I'm picking orders on the mobile app, I want to pick orders for a specific customer whose name starts with S, and they are a long way down my list.

Currently, I am having issues doing this because by default the app has all customers exploded. The customer I want to pick is wayyyy down the list so I have to scroll for ages to find them. I have to keep doing this over and over because I pick single orders at a time, so after each order has been packed I have to do this whole process again.

I would like to be able to either search for the customers name up the top and have it show all their orders.

Or, have an ability to quickly collapse all my orders.

I also noticed an issue here if new orders are being created while I am scrolling through the list of orders. I can scroll down to see more orders and it doesn't seem to load them (Potentially because when it's asking for the next page of orders, it is reloading orders it already has because the pagination has changed due to additional orders).

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  • Apr 29 2022
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