Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Increase Number of Orders within a Wave Pick [Nic Chessell] Non Paid

We have a number of customers that have more than 100 orders in a day and we would like to be able to process them in one wavepick.

Currently the total number of orders set in a wavepick is only 100.

We would like this to be increased to 200 order.

  • Guest
  • Feb 28 2019
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    • Guest commented
      January 23, 2022 22:07

      Hi, I am processing over 1500 orders a day for 1 client. Having a 100 order cap is incredibly time consuming and I can not get through this work as quickly as I should be able to.

    • Guest commented
      June 10, 2021 05:58

      Suggest the limitation is adjusted to be based on number of SOP lines, as this is the real issue internally with loading large waves.