Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Wave Picks - Simultaneous Picking and Packing

For customers who are doing large B2B / Wholesale / Replenishment orders (orders with a large number of SKUs, such as replenishing stores from a DC), the current Split Pick & Pack process is challenging for them to use because we require them to finish picking everything before being able to start packing.

They would like to have staff both picking and packing the same wave simultaneously. This will allow them to use less physical space in their warehouse to temporarily store the “Picked” items, and also enable a much higher efficiency by being able to pick larger waves than they can currently.

Example of the workflow they would like to achieve:

  • A large wave is created for 10 stores, each has ~200 SKUs and ~600 total quantity of products, which are spread throughout the warehouse (Aisles A->Z)

  • A picker picks everything required from Aisle A, then brings it back to a packing station

  • A packer is then able to begin packing the picked items into the various stores, in which they simply scan each product and it tells them which order to pack it to.

  • While the packer is doing the above, the Picker has moved onto picking Aisle B.

Ideally, they would have multiple pickers and multiple packers working on the same wave simultaneously. The pickers would split into different Aisles, and the packers would be able to work together to pack all the items that the pickers are bringing back. Note: If multiple packers were working on exactly the same bundle of picked items, then we would need some kind of real-time device sync to prevent multiple packers packing the same product to the same order.

  • Guest
  • May 21 2024
  • Planning to implement
  • Attach files