Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Order picking needs to take from pick faces based on UOM instead of total SKU qty.

If i have an order that is taking 1 full pallet and 10 cartons, the system should be able to recognise this and take 1 full pallet from my bulk bays and 10 cartons from the pick faces. This should line up with the replenishment settings and look on a line by line basis. For example if a single pallet location has a pallet and stock selection takes the full pallet, anything extra will take from the pick face.

OR per UOM

For example - UOM says 48 cartons per pallet, total amount ordered is 106.

106 / 48 = 2 pallets and 10 cartons. There are 2 locations in the bulk bays with 48(full pallets) it picks both of those. Then takes the 10 from the pick face. Obviously with the replenishment setup so that it takes atleast 10 cartons from the pick face.

  • Guest
  • Feb 24 2022
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files