The ability to decide that if i merge Pallet Ids it changes the storage period this week or next week on full stock quantities. Currently it will only minus the pallet charge for the following storage period and not the one I am in. This is all within Multiple Pallet Locations
How to merge Pallets of Stock Guide
One user case was a SKU got down to 1 carton on Friday and then on Monday they merged it with another sku. That merge should of happened on friday but the warehouse were to busy/forgot. When they realised Monday, it now would now mean they are charging that carton as a pallet for this week.
The case for a extra Pallet to be charged this week.
If 2 SKUS make up a Pallet ID and I want to split them apart and start charging 2 pallets per sku within this storage period. One work around is to move all quantity of one SKU, creating a new pallet ID, then Bulk Split the stock quantities on Pallet ID (with the setting Charge on Split as YES in the Rate Card) Then merge the Pallet IDs together so the system will charge one pallet next period for the SKU. IF the remerge is not done then 3 pallets will be charged as per the 2 SKUs.