Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Applying Rates from Shipping Aggregator to Invoice WMS only (but as a freight charge) or without Zone Sets

As a User I would like to pull my rates from the shipping aggregator straight to Invoicing so I am then able to charge all Warehouse movements and Shipping costs via CC invoice.

If I am a WMS only user without pack screen I am unable to charge correctly as it is not possible to do Custom field charging without a bolt and the charges would go through as Pick and Pack not Freight Charges

If i am using the Pack Screen from TMS, I then have to set up postcodes and suburbs and build a rate of 1 x Custom Field Value, also then cascade that Rate Card into my existing ones. Then have to manage the Postcodes and Suburbs in CartonCloud if they do not exist or keep them updated.

It would be good if we could pull that value from the shipping aggregator into something like a freight charge that just adds to the Invoice. As i already manage the rates and mark up in my aggregator.

  • Guest
  • Nov 21 2023
  • Future consideration
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