Your Ideas on improving CartonCloud

Ability to set minimum and maximum storage capacity for an individual customer

When negotiating contracts with new customers, the first questions is usually how many pallets are you looking to store. This number should be able to be automatically monitored within the system or we should be able to be notified once customer exceeds the pallet maximum threshold. Currently it is down to manually checking storage volumes with each customer on a regular basis. This is difficult to maintain and uphold customers to their allocated space.

For example: Customer A required 150-200 pallet spaces at any time of year. Contract states maximum 200 spaces, so maximum pallet storage would be set to 200 with a warning threshold notification of 180 pallets. so we would know once they exceed 180 but also once they are over their threshold and we can communicate that with the customer.

  • Guest
  • Sep 6 2021
  • Future consideration
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