This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit CC-I-731 Export one Price list for all customer WMS and TMS charges.
Create a Rate card document template to display the rates to customers as a PDF or Excel in the format of my choosing.
Be able to export an excel or PDF file displaying the uprates for that rate card, most probably beneficial to export at the uprate summary page once all changes have been successfully made.
Be able to export an excel file comparison between customers for the same to and from zone
Be able to add in cost as a text field and uprate based on that cost. (not visible to the customer)
- Be able to uprate as a set dollar value and not percentage(eg. Add $10 instead of a percentage)
Be able to bulk add charges groups to selected rates
Be able to bulk deactivate rates that are expired
Be able to do all of the above for warehousing rates as well.